Friday, April 13, 2007

Philips and Swarovski make sweet music

Philips and Swarovski have teamed up to create a line of techie treats that your missus is guaranteed to hanker after…

The duo has spawned ‘Active Crystals’, a collection of polished silver earphones and flashy USB memory keys that come standard with a smattering of sparklies.

There are four pairs of noise-isolating ‘phones in the range, both in-ear and ear-hook, as well as four 1GB USB keys that she’ll be able to string around her neck or attach to her keychain.

The GadgetCandy girls said we should think of the bejewelled goodies as an investment: a ‘get out of the dog box free’ card, if you will. But you’re going to have to wait until the kit launches in August to cash in on their advice.

Keep it here for more on pricing.

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